Thursday, September 29, 2011

the perfect day

first we walked down a dirt road
to this nice mangrove forest
We hopped on these cool boats

and I figured out that my camera has a panorama setting. Score.

I played with the cool green stuff in the water. Ducks like to eat it.
We ate right on the water.
I had my first soft boiled egg.
And watched as other people ate the weirdest cut chicken I have ever seen. That is the head on the right side. Word.
I found the cutest puppy and decided it didn't have fleas and it would be okay if I touched it.
we climbed a tower and waved hello to Cambodia. That is Cambodia. And Bobby. Hello.

Then we all took naps in glorious hammocks.
We learned about farming rice,
and I made googely eyes at this silly baby who was slightly cross-eyed.
Then we went to a pagoda in a cave,

there were lots of great photo ops.

I continued to enjoy my panorama setting.

I stood on the balcony in disbelief for the longest time. It was so beautiful.

Next, we had tea with monks.
Then I saw the prettiest sunset ever.

1 comment:

  1. I love love love the Cambodia picture. Very cool!!

    The panorama setting would have been tres helpful when we were in Italy. Mostly I am thinking of in Florence when we climbed that hill before your shoe broke.

    Love and miss you!
